Beginners intermediate patternmaking
Sewing classes
Do you live in Philadelphia?
Are you interested in sewing classes?
Call Dahlia for more details (215) 219-3823
Do you live in New Orleans?
Do you want to learn how to sew or make patterns?
Call Blu for more details (856) 522-6835
Or fill out the form below!
Thank you!
Are you interested in sewing classes?
Call Dahlia for more details (215) 219-3823
Do you live in New Orleans?
Do you want to learn how to sew or make patterns?
Call Blu for more details (856) 522-6835
Or fill out the form below!
Thank you!
Teaching Artist Profiles
In January 2011 Blu And Dahlia Merged companies to create BluDahlia. BluDahlia is a lifestyle brand making clothing, accessories and home decor. "Artists who share" they offer the community surrounding them with affordable sewing classes for creative expression. BluDahlia has a non-profit Arm, Breakfree Design Group, where they teach fashion design entrepreneurship to urban youth. Check out Thier Recent work with Breakfree at